[osg-users] OSG 3.4 and Qt 5 cmake problem. Found unsuitable Qt version

Elias Tarasov elias.tarasov at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 05:26:42 PDT 2017


I try to compile OSG 3.4 with Qt 5.5.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS by using CMake tool.

The problem i've faced is CMake error message: 
"Found unsuitable Qt version "5.5.1" from /opt/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake"

I found some hints like this: https://qt.developpez.com/doc/5.0-snapshot/cmake-manual/
where it is said how to setup CMake to allow it to find and use Qt 5. 
However, is there more easy way to accomplish this?

I was unable to find the clean and the direct answer.

Thank you!


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