[osg-users] Vanishing letters in osg::Text

Tim Hartter Tim.hartter at gmx.de
Tue Apr 25 04:29:22 PDT 2017

Setting OSG_TEXT_INCREMENTAL_SUBLOADING to off does not make a difference 
and YES it happens on Intel cards (not on Nvidia) (Win 7 OSG 3.4)

Maybe the patched OSG text works better...

Mit AquaMail Android
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Am 25. April 2017 10:18:21 vorm. schrieb Robert Osfield 
<robert.osfield at gmail.com>:

> On 25 April 2017 at 06:34, Wouter Roos <rooswouter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've experienced a similar issue lately where we were running a project on 
>> lower spec systems with only an integrated GPU. On those systems the frame 
>> rate would not show properly, having the same issue as described here, with 
>> some numbers not showing properly.
>> I did a test on my laptop, and when I force it to use the integrated GPU 
>> (4600) the problems shows up as well. If I switch to use the GTX970M 
>> everything is fine again. This is all on Windows 10, osg 3.4.0
>> I haven't done any further investigation as the project is not using any 
>> Text objects, but maybe this might help somehow.
> Some hardware/drivers don't support texture sub-loading correctly so
> the osgText subloading of new glyphs could cause problems, perhaps
> this is what you are seeing.  It's problem that originally occurred on
> Radeon's and some SGI hardware so there is a workaround in osgText
> that detects these combinations in drivers, you can also enable the
> workaround by setting the env var OSG_TEXT_INCREMENTAL_SUBLOADING to
> OFF i.e. under bash you'd do:
>   osgtext
> Under windows I think it's something like:
>   osgtext
> The OSG master version has a had a major rewrite of osgText so it no
> longer uses the texture subloading as may well just work out of the
> box on the Intel GPU/drivers that you have.
> Robert.
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