[osg-users] How to replace the texture data in the node?

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 09:39:32 PDT 2017

The simplier approach would be to duplicate generate an RGBA image  from your original RGB...

xdfanfan wrote:
> Hi ,
> As a beginner of openscenegraph. I have used a terrain(.flt) as a node,but the texture data of this node doesn't have alpha value, So I want to create a new Texture data(with alpha) to replace the exist Texture.At the same time I hope to copy the former texture data in a different texture unit so that I can use it next time.
> Now my question is how to replace the exist texture with a new texture, and keep a texture copy in a different texture unit?is there any functions I can use?
> Best Regards!
> Judy
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