[osg-users] Fast move a lot of nodes to another group

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 08:49:58 PDT 2017

Hi Yura,

On 4 April 2017 at 16:03, Yura Ivanov <dev3d at protonmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to subclass osg::group to implement my own removeChildren, but i cant call some osg::node functions because my class was not friend of osg::node. Implementing move of node is more difficult.
> Noded unique because User can move vertex of each node.
> Maybe I should made one node and work with geometry but 300k is maximum and performance is fine.

If it was completely fine you wouldn't have started this thread :-)

You haven't provided enough information to suggest specific approach
but from what you have written so far I don't think your current
approach is the best way to tackle the problem, and would recommend
changing the approach rather than trying to workaround the performance
issues you've seen.

Once you've provided a clear enough picture of what you are trying to
achieve it should be straight forward to recommend a good way forward.


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