[osg-users] OSG problem with multiple cards

Riquelme Diego rikelme_f85 at hotmail.com
Fri May 27 04:05:17 PDT 2016

Hello all,
Did anyone solve this performance issue? 
I have the same problem, my configuration is:

- osg 3.2.0, Win 7 x64, 
- one PC i5 8GB DDR3 and 2x SLI - GTX 660 
- and 4 screens attached to the first graphic card, 
- 8 cameras (5 of them are mirrors) and one render context, 

I have tried multiple render context , but framerate is lower. 
FPS are higher with one graphic card than connecting 2 screens to first graphic card and 2 screens to the second one and using two render context.

What about the problem with swap buffers, is the key in this matter?

thank you for your help!


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