[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Inventor Plugin Linking Against Coin4.lib

Scott Shaw scott.shaw at survice.com
Tue May 24 11:06:05 PDT 2016


I'm trying to build OSG 3.4.0 with Coin3D on Windows 7.  I've built the CMake branch of Coin successfully and it created the library Coin.lib.  When building OSG, FindInventor.cmake successfully finds the Coin library and places it's path in the INVENTOR_LIBRARY CMake variable.  When linking, the build fails because for some reason it tries to link against a non-existent Coin4.lib.  I grepped the source and build folders for Coin4.lib and it only shows up in ConvertToInventor.obj, ConvertFromInventor.obj, and ReaderWriterIV.obj as a /DEFAULTLIB switch.  Is there a CMake variable I'm missing or something?

Thank you!

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