[osg-users] FixedFunctionTechnique, lighting, and createNormalMapTexture

Alex Taylor alextaylor at gmail.com
Mon May 23 14:49:51 PDT 2016

Hey all,

>From previous posts, I understand clearly that FixedFunctionTechnique is
the worst of the osgVolume techniques in terms of both speed and quality of

However, due to some specific requirements of the application I'm trying to
build (need for clipping to a bounding box, need to insert other geometry
into scene) and limitations in the osgViewer in my environment (no support
for pre-cameras), FixedFunctionTechnique may be something I have to

I was wondering, I understand that createNormalMapTexture is to allow for
lighting with FixedFunctionTechnique. What does one do with the resulting
array of normal vectors once you call createNormalMapTexture? Is there an
interface somewhere to pass the normals? How would one use
createNormalMapTexture to implement lighting when using

- Alex

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