[osg-users] Imporstor and Shadows

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri May 27 01:07:01 PDT 2016

Hi Daniel,

I don't think general purpose impostors are the best route these day.
They were required when graphics hardware was much slower.

For you high poly cars you'd be better off creating LOD's.


On 27 May 2016 at 06:36, Daniel Schmid <daniel.schmid at swiss-simtec.ch> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have a scenario with around 100 cars driving around in my scene. I wondered if I could gain some performance by using impostors to simplify the rendering if this high-poly objects.
> For now I have no experience with impostors, and I don't know if they integrate well with Shadow (VDSM).
> Anybody out there used these two techniques along side?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Daniel
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