[osg-users] Submission/Pull Request problems on github

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri May 20 05:59:42 PDT 2016

Hi Björn,

I just checked, github still isn't giving my an option to reopen the
pull request. Could you try another push of the request?


On 20 May 2016 at 13:34, Björn Blissing <bjorn.blissing at vti.se> wrote:
> robertosfield wrote:
>> Do you know what steps do members of the community need to do to fix
>> things?  Perhaps we can pass instructions on via comments of each pull
>> request.
> Hi Robert,
> Since you rewrote the entire history I had to hard reset all my branches in my forked repo. So for each branch I was had do:
> Code:
> git checkout master
> git reset --hard upstream/master
> git push origin master -f
> I also tried to rebase my old pull request to the new master. But that took forever. So I resetted that branch as well and recommitted my change. But even when I force pushed this branch to my repo, the corresponding pull request did not update and is still closed.
> Regards
> Björn
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=67175#67175
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