[osg-users] Submission/Pull Request problems on github

Jannik Heller scrawl at baseoftrash.de
Thu May 19 12:05:38 PDT 2016

Hi Robert,

by fixing the author names you have essentially re-written the repository history. This means that everyone who submitted pull-requests in the past will have to manually rebase their changes on top of the new history. But it's not so difficult to do that if you know how to use the git rebase tool.

The github document "Changing author info" (which I assume you were looking at?) does state this caveat:

"Note: Running this script rewrites history for all repository collaborators. After completing these steps, any person with forks or clones must fetch the rewritten history and rebase any local changes into the rewritten history."

In the future you may want to avoid rewriting history (i.e. anything that requires a force-push) since it does cause disruption for people that have already sent in changes. But it's not a big deal now since github is not even the official submission route yet.

As for checking out the changes in pull requests that were not adapted, you can look at the author's repository (e.g. https://github.com/vivijind/OpenSceneGraph/commits/master shows the commits for PR https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/pull/68). In some cases it looks like the authors have deleted their repository, but you can still check out the pull request locally ( https://help.github.com/articles/checking-out-pull-requests-locally/ ) and from there look at the included commits.


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