[osg-users] How does PIXEL_SIZE_ON_SCREEN work

Bruno Oliveira bruno.manata.oliveira at gmail.com
Tue May 17 06:23:17 PDT 2016

Thank you both. The problem I'm having is relative to the point clouds
density: too dense clouds will result in poor rendering performance if I
tune my LOD to render sparser clouds. I can't find a good trade-off for the
LOD resolution that fits both cases. I will probably subclass the LOD class.

Thank you once again.

2016-05-17 12:07 GMT+01:00 Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>:

> Hi Bruno,
> If you have some very specific metrics you'd like to use to choose LOD
> levels that aren't supported by the osg::LOD then you could subclass
> from osg::Group and implement your own Level of Detail behavior
> Robert.
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