[osg-users] Odd Text Distortion (Which Does Not Appear to Be Due to the 3.2 Bugfix)

Sam Jones cambienta at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 15:53:32 PDT 2016


I have been having an issue with the display of text for a few days now (where the correct font is not used), while updating a project from pre-3.0 OSG to the latest version. 

I know about this bug fix from 3.2 where, now, creating a camera and assigning it to the viewer without initialising it properly or setting it to global defaults will give you exactly what you're asking for. It seems that past posters have had problems with text rendering in a blocky or unusual way, and have traced it to this bugfix, however, I have not found this project to have any improperly initialised cameras. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?

(I have attached an image).

Thank you!

Sammy J

(I should mention, this is on a Win7 machine, building a project in Win32 Release mode; I have made sure that I am using the correct, non-debug dlls)

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