[osg-users] Get current Billboard ModelView matrix?

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 07:34:03 PDT 2016

As you doesn't answer the my post I assume you're using the mailing list
so you may haven't seen my updates and I'm curious to know if it would work lik this:
clas mycull : public  Callback{
Matrif modelview;
virtual void  run(Node&node,Cullvisitor &cv){


yournode->setCullCallBack(new mycull())

and in your update callback static_cast<mycull*> (yournode->getCullCallBack())->_modelview

mille25 wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> unfortunately some objects move in my scene, so its not enough to only hold the old view matrix.
> The camera AND any object can move.

Read this topic online here:

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