[osg-users] osgQt Coverity Scan reported issue, Qt experts please chip in.

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 12:09:00 PDT 2016

Hi All,

I have been continuing to chip away at the defects reported by the
Coverity Scan.  From a defect count of 1.2 per 1000 lines of code we
are now down to 0.32 per 1000 lines.   Almost all of these are in the
osgPlugins.  The headers, core libraries and NodeKits all have zero
reported defects save for the osg libray that has ones that are
associated with the glu source code embedded in it.

Coverity suggests that 0.75 defects per 1000 lines of code is
indicative of high quality software, so we are now less than half the
defects of this.  We are also now below the average defect count of
the open source projects that Coverity scans.  Still quite a few
easily fixable defects to squash so I expect the number to get much
closer to 0 by the time I start pushing for the final 3.6 stable
release - I'm aiming to get 3.6 out for Siggraph at end of July.


If anyone has time I'd appreciate effort in help squish more of these
issues.  Please use git master as a base as there has been many, ie.
hundreds, of check-ins of late as part of this defect squishing

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