[osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Sun Jun 5 07:26:28 PDT 2016

memory_leak wrote:
> When building with your cmakes I have tryed pretty much what you describe. 1st i downloaded all code for every project in their respective folder, than I put your cmake files in the respective folder and top level one in top level directory where all other src folders were. 

No no... You should not move anything. Keep the files from GitHub as they are, otherwise the top level script may not find the scripts for each library.

memory_leak wrote:
> Prospect of configuring manually each and every one did occur to me but I have to admiit, not overly appealing :).
> Now from your answer I understand  I should do some extra work to tell your cmake from my batch file where to find things. That is probably reason why I got only project files for "build all" and "install" but not individual project files.

Well, there is no need to if you do not desire. The only thing you need to do, is to point to the location of the source for each library you desire to build. Heck, you can even skip the CMake GUI and do everything using CMake command-line. Just supply the paths with using the -D flag and you are set. That way you can integrated my CMake scripts in your automated build scripts. Or you could just defined them as environment variables if that is more to you liking.


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