[osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

Carl-Gustaf Kung memory_leak at fastmail.fm
Sun Jun 5 06:12:29 PDT 2016

Thanks for clafirications, I will give it another try.

Yeah, of course I don't expect everything to be superoptimized either. As mentioned I did managed to build each and every one manually as instructed by original libraries, and some with a bit of hacking (giflib). But I wish I could automate everything. Goal is to be able to fire up a batch script, get srcs from github (or with wget), configure everything and build without need to open any gui tool such as cmake. 

When building with your cmakes I have tryed pretty much what you describe. 1st i downloaded all code for every project in their respective folder, than I put your cmake files in the respective folder and top level one in top level directory where all other src folders were. I than opened cmake-gui and configured stuff for tope-level project, but it didn't build individual projects. Prospect of configuring manually each and every one did occur to me but I have to admiit, not overly appealing :). 

Now from your answer I understand  I should do some extra work to tell your cmake from my batch file where to find things. That is probably reason why I got only project files for "build all" and "install" but not individual project files.

The ting is I already have a batch script that will automaticly configure cmake variables depending on what compiler is present in my path, bitness and paths where I want stuff to build in and to install to, compiler flags etc. It works often time "out of the box so to say", but sometimes there are such cases as this where I have to figure out extra things to make it work.

Just fooling around with nick, my real name is as strange as nick, you wouldn't believe me anyway :).

Thanks for answer and best regards

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