[osg-users] osgQt Coverity Scan reported issue, Qt experts please chip in.

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 06:12:09 PDT 2016

Defect count now down to 0.04 reported defects per 1000 lines of code.
This is well below the average for an open source project of the OSG's
size, but now so close to zero it feels pretty obtainable.

The only places defects need fixing are in the osgjs/gles plugins and
the glu tessellation code embedded in the core OSG library.  The
osgjs/gles plugin fixes should be easy to address and await submission
from the sketchfab team to address these.

The glu tessellation code look far more difficult to fix, I've now
reviewed the code four times and have yet to come away with a clear
idea of how the C data structure and tessellation algorithm work
together to for me know how to address the reported defects.  If you
want to test your programming skills then have a look at these glu
reported defects.  Major kudos will awaiting those who provide a
robust fix as it's likely that fixing these will bring our Coverity
defect count to zero!
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