[osg-users] [forum] TIFF loader: Error reding/decoding file . Does OSG support TIFF ( single strip 32 float ) ?

Paul PURNELLE paulemile.purnelle at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 08:30:21 PST 2016

Dear All,

Using osgViewer I cannot decode a tiff. I read that adding .gdal at the end would change the driver but it still fails for me.

What could I do ?

> C:\work\libs\openSceneGraph\OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0\build\bin>osgviewer.exe --image "C:\tmp\wcs.tiff.gdal"
> osgviewer.exe: No data loaded
> C:\work\libs\openSceneGraph\OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0\build\bin>osgviewer.exe --image "C:\tmp\wcs.tiff"
> osgviewer.exe: No data loaded
> C:\work\libs\openSceneGraph\OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0\build\bin>ls c:\tmp\wcs.tiff
> c:\tmp\wcs.tiff

Enclosed is the file.



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