[osg-users] Strange culling of Drawables in OSG 3.5.1?

Anton Semenov allcreater at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 01:27:25 PST 2016


after migration from OSG 3.2.0 to 3.5.1 we have discovered a bit unexpected behaviour of Geodes, which property setCullingActive was setted to "false". Suppose, we have a Geode with some linked Drawables. Now all Drawables is trying to make cull tests independently of parent's setCullingActive state.

I'm not sure is it a bug or feature, but the code in CullVisitor.cpp, void CullVisitor::apply(osg::Drawable& drawable) method looks questionably:

if (!getNodePath().empty() && getNodePath().back()->isCullingActive() && isCulled(bb)) return;

Could you please confirm, is that expected behaviour or it was planned that isCullingActive property should be asked from parent node, not current drawable (im apply method getNodePath().back() is already equal to drawable)?

Thank you!

Best regards,
Anton Semenov

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