[osg-users] Hiding shader sources

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Thu Jan 21 05:20:21 PST 2016

Hi Werner,

Except from protecting them in the source/file-system chances are very 
slim to protect them.
It seem the glShaderBinary[1] source thing is not the way to go, as they 
don't seem to be binary compatible from computer to computer. I,ve seen 
programs however which somehow prevented attaching debugger or injecting 
a dll.
Obfuscating the shader code by renaming functions and variables before 
sending it to the GPU might be an option to make it harder.


[1] https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glShaderBinary.xhtml
> Hi all,
> we are using OSG with big success since many years now. Thanks Robert 
> and the community.
> We are in a commercial context and we have to care about the know-how.
> We use Open-GL 3 and make heavy use of shaders.
> So my question is:
> Is there any way of hiding shader sources so they cannot be sniffed?
> Thanks for any help
> - Werner -
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