[osg-users] Pragmatic shader - a new #pragma directive proposition

Trajce Nikolov NICK trajce.nikolov.nick at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 01:09:33 PST 2016

> Frankly, I never thought  about multi-light problem this way. I wonder if
such technique can be generalized enough, e.g. hidden behind the scenes, so
the user of the lighting framework doesn't have to deal with the texture

That is what I though when designing OpenIG. Since I sounded like placing a
commercial in this thread (which I actually did, but this is OSG project) I
will not spend too much on details here, but yes, the light implementation
is hidden from the "scene", the interface. It has plugin-based approach and
the lighting implementation is completely implemented in a way (simple or
complex) again hidden. For example in the current repo you can find simple
lights implementation very similar to what you are doing. Then this plugin
in the upcoming release is replaced by F+ implementation, without changing
the interface. So it will not break any code, it is simple replacing a
plugin dll in a xml config file.

Ping me privately or join the OpenIG forum if you want to give it a shot. I
can help you set up

And thanks,

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 9:43 AM, Robert Milharcic <
robert.milharcic at ib-caddy.si> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> On 14.1.2016 15:31, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:
>> Hi Robert M.
>> I went through this thread fast and I see you are trying (at least your
>> show case) is lighting and use of shader composition. The approach you are
>> taking is what I was using too, some years ago. But there are other
>> methods
>> that does not require any mods and will work just fine with the existing
>> shader composition features. You can for example encode all the light
>> attributes into a texture buffer object (think of this as an image where
>> each float texel is one light attribute like color, etc).
> Frankly, I never thought  about multi-light problem this way. I wonder if
> such technique can be generalized enough, e.g. hidden behind the scenes, so
> the user of the lighting framework doesn't have to deal with the texture
> objects. My guess is yes, but of course, I should look into technical
> merits of the implementation first.
> Have a look at this, it is Forward+ implementation in opensource project
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beSkETJ_vgY
> impressive!
> We are releasing a new version with F+ lighting available these days, so
>> you might want to keep an eye on it.
> Looking forward.
> Cheers,
> Robert Milharcic
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trajce nikolov nick
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