[osg-users] Combine geodes

Artem Ivanov tema.krukovets at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 12:33:32 PST 2016

Thanks a lot. I'll study it out. 

robertosfield wrote:
> On 13 January 2016 at 18:49, Artem Ivanov <> wrote:
> > Thanks for your responses.
> > Actually, I want only visual effect (like union operation on two geometries), so I think it is about pure rendering.
> > It would be great if you can describe this method or provide some information about it.
> > 
> To understand the ideas behind managing the rendering It would
> probably be easiest to just read up online one how to do such
> rendering using OpenGL.  Topics to look into would be OpenGL, Stencil
> Buffer Consutrctive Solid Geometry.
> Perhaps members of the community have their favourite tutorials on this topic.
> The OSG fully supports stencilling, controls on depth+color buffers,
> shaders, controls for managing multi-pass rendering.  The osgreflect
> example provide a very simple example of managing stencilling.
> Robert
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