[osg-users] [StateSet] Handle .png as a texture

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 01:04:12 PST 2016

On 7 January 2016 at 08:43, Stephane Mas <stephane.mas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Happy new year developers !!!

Happy new year :-)

> I wake up this topic, in case an expert would have missed it !

When I read the original post I had no clue to as what might be amiss
so couldn't comment, I suspect others will be the same.  In principle
using png should be fine, and the the code and description you gave
provide no clue to what might be amiss.

The best I can suggest is look at the OSG examples, the
OpenSceneGaph-Data sample dataset contains a set of .png files in the
OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images directory:

/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images$ ls *.png
blueFlowers.png  fireparticle8x8.png  forestRoof.png  forestWall.png
half.png  osg128.png  osg256.png  osg64.png  osgshaders1.png
osgshaders2.png  purpleFlowers.png  road.png

You could try loading these with osgviewer via:

   osgviewer --image Images/forestWall.png

All these png's work fine for me with OSG-3.4.  I have little doubt
they'll be fine with OSG-3.2.x as well, as they've worked for a long
time without any reports of problems.


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