[osg-users] Enable, Disable Multible Shaders

Brian Perry perry.brian at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 03:57:54 PST 2016


Thank you for the reply.  I actually found another solution that was a better solution than turning off shaders by the stateset.  Originally, I just wanted to turn off shaders for a stateset so that the objects in that stateset would not cast a shadow.  I though that this would work because the entire scenegraph has been created in a way so that all objects displayed are rendered through a shader.  I did some research and found out there was a way to disable shadows in the scenegraph.  I was skeptical at first that this would work but turning off the bit for casting shadows worked.  It was a lot more elegant solution to use than turning off shaders for the object.  I tried putting in an empty program object and that didn't work.  This was the only thing that worked.

Thank you!


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