[osg-users] Problem reading Openflight file switch node

Tony Vasile minghia at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 04:14:46 PST 2016

So I debugged this and realised that before the second elements where added to the ValueList the lists were cleared and reset to empty lists. So when the next element is added the list is set to the default value which is true. It appears in subsequent rounds of adding new children to the list they are again cleared. 

I have added a debug trace to show where the list is cleared and on the next iteration where the lists are all set to true. I'm not sure how to fix this as the code makes a call to  osgSim::MultiSwitch::removeChild which clears the list. Not sure why the code is calling removeChild.

Some of the line numbers may not align with current OpenSceneGraph 3.4.0 version as I have added some logging into it.

Tony V

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