[osg-users] Convertions w.r.t .gitignore

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Tue Jan 26 07:42:37 PST 2016

SMesserschmidt wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> With the use of CMake the source and solutions are always separated.
> So there is no need for the VS-ignore stuff.
> Cheers
> Sebastian

Hi Sebastian,

ALWAYS is a strong wording. There is nothing in CMake to prevent you from doing an in-source build. The choice of doing in-source or out-of-source build is completely up to you.

I usually build OSG in-source because I prefer to have the auto generated header files in the same folder as the rest of the osg headers. (If you do an out-of-source build your auto generated header files will end up in the build directory.)


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