[osg-users] Multiwindows with Qt and OSG from the same scene

Denis Illés denis.illes at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 06:02:42 PST 2016


So to display 2 additional windows, I could theoretically use another viewer apart from the existing one embedded in Qt.

Had an idea that I could make the Qt windows just as a window for tools (without the osg scene) 
and a viewer showing all the scene windows (left, middle, right). But the OSG blocking Qt window is still a thing. Back in 2009 you wrote:

if (useFrameLoopThread)
  // create a thread to run the viewer's frame loop
  ViewerFrameThread viewerThread(viewer.get(), true);

  // no start the standard Qt event loop, then exists when the viewerThead sends the QApplication::exit() signal.
  return QApplication::exec();

  // run the frame loop, interleaving Qt and the main OSG frame loop
    // process Qt events - this handles both events and paints the browser image
    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100);

  return 0;

Could this be used for syncing the threads in the newer versions as well?

Thank you!


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