[osg-users] Multiwindows with Qt and OSG from the same scene

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 11:56:51 PST 2016

Hi Eddy,

Personally I wouldn't recommend using Qt viewer in a CAVE, Qt is all about
2D windowed application that can have a 3D GL window within them, but it's
certainly not designed for immersive displays and associated interfaces
such as CAVE.  The whole philosophy behind Qt is very alien to VR and

The core OSG can handle a CAVE just fine by configuring slave camera's and
GraphicsWindow's for each side of the CAVE.  There are 3rdParty libraries
that support caves, some of which include VR specific input devices.  The
OSG has been used in VR, including CAVEs,  for a long time, right from it's
birth - one of the first challenging things I did with the OSG was getting
it running on ImmersiveWorkbench back in 2000.

Personally I'd have two separate viewers in your application, or perhaps
two applications, one for desktop experience that use Qt and one for
immersive systems like CAVE's that doesn't use Qt.  VR and desktop are so
very different experiences that whole design of the UI and application need
to be quite different.


On 26 February 2016 at 13:45, Denis Illés <denis.illes at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like you to help me out or show me the right direction for solving
> my problem. Working on a larger project made with Qt (4.8.5) and OSG
> (3.4.0).
> I have a QMainWindow with lots of tools and a QGLWidget embedded with
> setCentralWidget() for displaying the OSG scene.
> Now I need to create at least 2 more separate windows (displaying on
> individual monitors/projectors - LEFT and RIGHT from my main window). My
> goal is to create a some sort of CAVE. The 2 extra windows should show the
> same scene but from different angles (different cameras I think). When
> making a move in one window the others should adjust as well. How can I
> accomplish this functionality?
> Was thinking about creating more widgets as separate windows, but then the
> cameras wouldn't be "connected".
> Or creating a new Viewer (osgViewer::Viewer / osgViewer::CompositeViewer)
> where I would put those 2 views and display. But there is a threading issue
> with Qt and the OSG and one would block the other.
> What is the best solution, the best way to go?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Eddy
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