[osg-users] How to Draw Infinte 3D Grid in osg

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 01:12:22 PST 2016

On 12 December 2016 at 08:38, Rambabu Repaka <ramboram488 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,Robert i saw the projective texturing and osg::TexGen/TexGenNode files iam unable to draw the grid starting trouble ? Can you explain how to start drawing the 3d grid.

It's just a matter of filling in an osg::Image with a grid pattern,
you could do this programatically out just create a grid pattern with
an image editing program and load the image into the OSG.

This isn't an area that is difficult to come up with ideas how to do
stuff, you know programmers are supposed to professional problem
solvers.  If you can't spot a way to solve something turn to your
colleagues and brain storm,


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