[osg-users] Write osgText to an FLT file

Steven Powers StevenAPowers at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 08:17:31 PDT 2016

Hi everyone.

I need to be able to write and osgText node to an flt file. I realize that this is currently not supported but I am interested in adding this capability to the openFlight plugin.

>From my initial investigation into this I believe I will have to implement the asGeometry() function to return a geometry object with the vertex list of the osgText node. I'm not sure how to handle the fact that a single osgText node actually contains several geometry objects (one for each character) and asGeometry() can only output a single Geometry.

Is there any advise or guidance that can be offered?

Once I get this working I should be able to submit this for addition into the OSG baseline.

Read this topic online here:

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