[osg-users] Write osgText to an FLT file

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 09:57:19 PDT 2016

Hi Steven,

I don't have any advice as osgText as it stands does things rather
awkwardly thanks to it's long age and some of the
design/implementation decisions made in it's early days.  The best you
could do is write a conversion that limits it's functionality to one
that doesn't support things like auto-rotate it.

Next week my plan is to look at osgText::Text with a view to
refactoring it to better support vertexarrays, vertex buffer objects
and vertex array objects.  There is chance that I might refactor
things that make it easier to convert to osg::Geometry.  One option
might be to subclass from osg::Geometry.  I don't know how it'll pan
out yet - my current focus is a refator of osgParticle to support VAO
properly so don't want to slow this down by thinking about another
awkward topic that I'll tackle later in the coming week anyway.  I
mention all of this as there is chance that this work I'll do could
have an effect on what you are attempting to do.  If you can delay
your work by a week then I'll have a better idea of how my planned
work on osgText will pan out.


On 28 August 2016 at 16:17, Steven Powers <StevenAPowers at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I need to be able to write and osgText node to an flt file. I realize that this is currently not supported but I am interested in adding this capability to the openFlight plugin.
> From my initial investigation into this I believe I will have to implement the asGeometry() function to return a geometry object with the vertex list of the osgText node. I'm not sure how to handle the fact that a single osgText node actually contains several geometry objects (one for each character) and asGeometry() can only output a single Geometry.
> Is there any advise or guidance that can be offered?
> Once I get this working I should be able to submit this for addition into the OSG baseline.
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=68470#68470
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