[osg-users] [About VertexArrayObject Branch] FeedBack and Insight

wang dexing wangdexingit at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 18:35:17 PDT 2016

Hi Robert,
Thank you for your reply.

> I have outlined why mixing scene graph state with the rendering back-end is a bad idea.

Could you tell me where I can read it?
By the way,I don't mix scene graph state with the rendering back-end,but make it possible,since I only add an extension layer above Geometry to manage 'vao'.You can do other things except that,for example,choose 'vbos' that you want from different 'Geometrys' to form a new drawing object(or sharing 'vbos'  in other words).
I know you best job in latest incarnation,and I'm not here to let you make any changes.I only want to discuss its possibility.Maybe we can discuss in a pleasant way,not so serious.javascript:emoticon(':D')

Thank you!

wang :D

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