[osg-users] [build] GStreamer linker error on OSX El Capitan

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 05:03:10 PDT 2016

Hi Chris,

If you don't know what plugins you need start small and add them as
you need them.  Depending upon your needs you could go from needing
none of the plugins to most.  I don't know what your plans are so
can't comment on what plugins you'll need.

To get things started you could either use cmake to disable plugins by
setting the 3rd party dependency paths to empty string to override
what cmake finds.  Another route, but more hacky is to go into the
src/osgPlugins/CMakeLists.txt file and just comment out the plugins
you don't want.  The later route isn't a long term solution but would
at least give you and idea what you can get running quickly.

On the Linux front I wouldn't expect many issues - it's the generally
the easiest platform of all to get working as most linux distribution
come with great package management systems that can install all the
dependencies for you with minimal fuss.


On 12 August 2016 at 12:28, Chris Thomas <cthomas at soasta.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My use case is, I want to add OpenGL functionality to an existing API that actually uses OpenGL. The issue is, that API does not offer very deep 3D support, beyond making 2D media objects in a 3D space. We want/need to create 3D objects, textures etc, so we want to host OpenGL apps via OSG.
> So.. in truth, Im guessing 90% of the plugins OSG can provide, could be disabled, at least until we KNOW we need them 100%. After all, compiling OSG on OSX with all plugins enabled, appears to be pretty hard right now, as its not widely used / supported on OSX it seems.
> So.. once I have OSG working in our app, as a proof of concept, I also have to get it to compile on Ubuntu 14 + 16. Ill cross that bridge when I come to it though...
> I wonder if there is a definitive lists of the plugins that can be disabled? I really want to start with the core OSG, prove it can integrate with our main API and then build from there.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=68361#68361
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