[osg-users] Dumb Screen Resolution Question

Paul McIntosh paul.mcintosh at internetscooter.com
Tue Apr 12 04:51:05 PDT 2016

Hi All,

I am getting back into OSG after a long absence - I am now on a Windows 10 Surface Pro 4/Visual Studio 2015 and fighting changes in these as well as trying to work out why I can't get screen resolution to work properly. It always comes up about twice the size it should (centre screen is bottom/right corner). I don't recall ever having an issue, so I am wondering it I am doing something dumb...

I can get the size to change by directly setting the viewer size in code, but I have a whole bunch of projects I want to test, so I need it to work globally rather than edit every example.

If I set OSG_SCREEN_WIDTH and OSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT I can see these being read and the DisplaySettings _screen variables being set to the values but this does not result in the size changing? If I also set the the starting default sizes, this has no effect.

Is there something up with Windows 10/Visual Studio 2015 (or a missing dependency)?

Thank you!



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