[osg-users] osg::CoordinateSystemNode

Glenn Waldron gwaldron at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 08:24:39 PDT 2016


osg::CoordinateSystemNode does not do any transformation. It is really just
a container to hold information about the spatial reference of the data
underneath. Furthermore, no, a 4x4 matrix not sufficient for geospatial
reprojection. You will need to use the PROJ library for that.

FYI, in the osgEarth project there is a SpatialReference class that
encapsulates PROJ transforms, so you might take a look at that.

Good luck!

Glenn Waldron

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Filip Arlet <filip89 at seznam.cz> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a project for displaying geospatial data. I usually have
> data in some coordinate reference system. What I want now is transform them
> into another coordinate reference system (wgs84). Its not a big problem
> transforming coordinates on load or preparing data, but I would like to do
> it on the fly. Ie. keep data in one coordinate system and transfrom them to
> another. I found osg::CoordinateSystemNode but I cannot find any examples
> how to use it. Its CoordinateSystemNode class that I'm looking for? How to
> setup its params (preferably using Proj or GDAL or SRID) ?
> The transformation doesnt really have to be precise (I can always tranfer
> all data from one coordinate system to another if I want to publish data in
> different CRS, but supporting two coordinate reference systems at once
> would need to have data loaded twice).
> Is this even possible ? I mean transforming coordinate systems using 4x4
> matrix ?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Filip
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