[osg-users] OSG BOF at SIGGRAPH was a SUCCESS

Steve Satterfield steve at nist.gov
Wed Sep 2 12:29:55 PDT 2015

The presentation I did is on-line at


I added a narration, so its now a 9 minute video.

-Steve Satterfield
steve at nist.gov

On Fri, 14 Aug 2015, John Richardson wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks to Robert for his "future of OSG" slides.
> Thanks to David Glenn for the osgEarth demo and being a talking head for
> Robert's slides. Also, for always helping set up the cords and adapters and
> for moving the microphone switch to the "mic" position so we could hear the
> PA.
> We used a nice screen provided by the Web3D consortium. Thanks to David for
> bringing a white shower curtain and stage tape that was the "PLAN B" if the
> Web3D screen was not available.J
> It was but David goes the extra mile. Will send Robert the pictures.
> Thanks to Steve Satterfield from NIST for his OSG presentation.
> Very well attended.
> IMHO the reason it is a popular BOF is that the OSG community is active and
> vibrant. So, thanks to the people reading this post.
> John
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