[osg-users] Floating point depth buffer

Glenn Waldron gwaldron at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 08:53:57 PDT 2015

I also recommend using the Triton height map support to make the shorelines
look better. It will fade out the ocean geometry as the bathymetry slopes
up towards sea level.

Logarithmic depth buffer is handy for various Triton use cases. If you go
that route, remember to also reduce your near/far ratio too.

Glenn Waldron

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> Hi Mike,
> On 2 September 2015 at 16:09, Mike Greene <mgreene at hiwaay.net> wrote:
>> Having problems with Z-fighting when using a very large terrain database
>> and mixing it with Triton ocean - seeing lots of z-fighting along the coast
>> line where the water and the terrain depths are nearly the same. I can
>> alleviate the problem by reducing the near/far clip boundaries, but this is
>> not acceptable for our application as it cuts off the mountains in the
>> distance of our terrain. Has anyone successfully used the Nvidia floating
>> point depth buffer extension with OSG, GL_NV_depth_buffer_float, to
>> increase the depth buffer precision? If so, how do you apply this in an OSG
>> application (GraphicsContext:Traits)?
> I haven't tried so can't comment on this.
> What I can do is suggest another alternative - depth partitioning, you can
> get osgViewer to divide up the depth range for you.  Have a look at the
> osgdepthpartion example.
> Robert.
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