[osg-users] [osgPlugins] OpenFlight plugin update

Chris Kuliukas chris at kuliukas.com
Tue Sep 29 23:50:15 PDT 2015


Here is a screenshot which shows the bump map capability we're interested in, but really what it does it let you set up a bunch of parameters and textures which can be sent to your shaders. This way you can do modern rendering effects from your FLTs:

[Image: http://i59.tinypic.com/2hqtdg4.jpg ]

[Image: http://i58.tinypic.com/2usfpz6.jpg ]

[Image: http://i59.tinypic.com/a9w9e8.png ]

At the moment I've got it loading in these new opcodes but I'm not doing anything with the data. 

I guess if it gets rejected I can always fork then, but it would be nicer to have some idea of the requirements for it to be accepted so I know whether I should aim for a custom fork or aim for acceptance.


http://www.hrwallingford.com/facilities/ship-simulation-centre (http://www.hrwallingford.com/facilities/ship-simulation-centre)

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