[osg-users] DatabasePager frezzing fps

Leandro Linardos leandro.linardos at gmail.com
Sun May 31 18:18:56 PDT 2015


It seems I was doing something bad with the scene graph structure. I has a Terrain node where I was adding the TerrainTiles and PagedLods childs, using the this Terrain node as the scene graph. When Terrain is traversed,  tis call the init on terrain tiles and causes the problems.

So, using the Terrain node only for grouping the tiles, and a normal Group node for showing the scene (with paged lods and terrain tiles as childs) reduces significantly this freeze time.

Anyway, there´s still some eye perceivable dropped frames I want to fix. Databasepager stats shows an average time to merge new tiles of 13546, with a min of 4660. It´s true that the elevation data size per tile is a bit bigger (1024x1024) but once merged the tile, the switch in the PagedLOD it´s fine. So the merge seems to be the problem.

Any ideas to reduce the merge time?

Thank you!


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