[osg-users] OS X (10.9) Texture2D with hardware compression results in no texture data.

Trajce Nikolov NICK trajce.nikolov.nick at gmail.com
Thu May 28 06:57:00 PDT 2015

Hi David,

we faced the same issues on Mac, and my colleague found "a fast work
around", not the fix though. If this is with dds textures, then in
ReaderWriterDDS.cpp put the following line into comment:

 // if (mipmap_offsets.size()>0) osgImage->setMipmapLevels(mipmap_offsets);

We are investigating this as time allows us, will keep this thread updated
if we find something


On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:52 PM, David Guthrie <dguthrie at alionscience.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I started upgrading delta3d to use osg 3.3.x, but I ran into a strange
> problem that that seems like it must be something that changed in the
> osg::Texture code, thought it only manifests on OS X.  The texture is
> setting compressed mode, I think it turns on mip mapping correctly, and it
> ends up calling extensions->glCompressedTexSubImage2D().
> The only reason I think it has to be in this code, is that I tried it with
> an ive file that has compressed textures.  Those load straight into the
> image object from the ive file, and into the Texture2D.
> I can export the textures from the ive, and read them in an image tool,
> and I can load the ive and works fine on Windows.  In case you get the
> wrong idea, I have an application with many different file formats and both
> extrernal and embedded textures.  Not a single compressed image we have
> will load properly on OS X, but they all work on in OSG 3.2.1.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> David
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=63862#63862
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trajce nikolov nick
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