[osg-users] osgmovie error

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Wed May 27 10:37:21 PDT 2015

Hi Joshua,

Sorry to disappoint you, but OSG is an open-source project and there is 
some outdated documentation but there are ways to use the current sources.
The SVN as well as the developer releases which are self-contained to 
the extend that examples are included.
You are welcome to contribute to the OpenSource community by for 
instance pointing out such outdated material, but please be aware there 
is something like good manners - even in the web.
So next time please simply give all the information right away without 
plain rants. Everyone is willing to help anyone with a valid and polite 
In my humble opinion you didn't do yourself the favor of being 
respectful. People running the forum, people sacrificing their sparse 
spare time on in-depth questions or newbie questions like yours deserve 
some respect at least.
That being on the table, it is up to you to be open to the unwritten 
community rules.

As I can only speak for myself I will stand aloof from further 
communicating on this level.


> Howdy,
> Downloaded code came from:
> http://trac.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg//wiki/Support/UserGuides/Examples
> -Joshua
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt 
> <sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de 
> <mailto:sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de>> wrote:
>>     Howdy,
>>     I have 4 things to say:
>>     1)   I compared OSG to OpenInventor or OpenCV and it is a toy.
>     And OpenInventor/OpenCV compare to OpenSceneGraph how exactly?
>     OpenInventor has a strong focus on 3D in the CAD area, but I
>     haven't seen any military/industry grade simulator build around it.
>     Also stop flaming - If you don't like it fine. No one is forcing
>     you to use it.
>>     2)   I download osgmovie.cpp (attached a copy) and add it to my
>>     cmake file that works fine on other downloaded sample code.
>>     osgmovie.cpp, Line #150 + 151
>>     view->computeIntersections takes x,y and not ea as parameters.
>     Ok, so you are expecting to download some sample code from
>     somewhere and and expect it to compile with an arbitrary version
>     of OSG (you didn't even mention the version)
>     Instead of downloading the complete source package you are
>     complaining about combining non-compatible versions of OSG and
>     some example version ...
>     OSG has versioning, and evolves, so there might be
>     incompatiblities. That's why the examples are included in the
>     source and are adapted accordingly.
>>     3)   ==== the error ====
>     Sorry for being harsh, but the error here is between the keyboard
>     and the chair.
>     You simply could have asked where to start, instead of ranting
>     about OSG being a toy etc.
>     Judging OSG based on a self-induced compiler error shows nothing
>     but ignorance to me.
>     Cheers
>     Sebastian
>>     4)   Cheers :),
>>     -Joshua Robinson
>>     "Live long and prosper"
>>     On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt
>>     <sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
>>     <mailto:sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de>> wrote:
>>         Am 27.05.2015 um 13:54 schrieb Joshua Robinson:
>>>         Howdy,
>>>         Newbie to OSG.
>>>         Downloaded osgmovie.c++ to learn, But can't compile: first
>>>         look show wrong coding.
>>         What exactly did not compile?
>>         The example is part of the osg-source package and builds fine
>>         with the rest. So please point to where you downloaded which
>>         version etc.
>>>         Q:  I wonder how uncompiled code end up as a sample for
>>>         newbies ?
>>         This doesn't make sense at all. Compiled coded is usually an
>>         executable or library, so it won't serve as a sample how to
>>         do things.
>>         And the example code, even if not the nicest at some point
>>         due to #defines etc, compiles just fine and shows how to load
>>         and display a video and audio stream.
>>         So what else would be anyone's expectation?
>>>         So far my personal impression from OSG that it is a toy, not
>>>         ready for ...
>>         I've been using OSG in a professional environment and
>>         industry applications for years, so this is really silly to say.
>>         Please elaborate where you need help and where others can
>>         point you into the right direction
>>>         Cheers,
>>>         -Joshua Robinson
>>>         "Live long and prosper"
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