[osg-users] Problems with MultiTouchTrackballManipulator on iOS.

Alessandro Terenzi a.terenzi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 08:06:52 PDT 2015

recently I updated my apps from OSG 3.2.0 to OSG 3.4.0 and I noticed that the MultiTouchTrackballManipulator behaves differently. Specifically while single touches are working almost the same (for instance to rotate the view), the pinch gesture is quite different because even if I try to make a very small pinch, the model disappears suddenly. I checked that the near and far planes are correctly set, so maybe the problem must be somewhere else. Is there a 'speed' parameter that controls how much the gesture affects the manipulator?

I am thinking about a 'speed' parameter because actually also the camera rotation controlled by the manipulator (single touch gesture) is either very slow or incredibly fast.

Thank you.

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