[osg-users] [vpb] error using VPB on DTED level 2...

Shayne Tueller shayne.tueller at hill.af.mil
Wed Aug 19 07:23:50 PDT 2015


I'm attempting to use VPB to build a paged geocentric database from level 2 DTED source data. I'm only using 3 tiles of level 2 DTED so it's not a lot of data.

I get the following error...

Warning: Task tasks/build_subtile_L2_X1_Y5.task has failed, blacklisting machine and resubmitting task.

I looked at the log file for this task, it gives the following info...

E:\simData\osgDatabase\dtedlevel2\logs>more build_subtile_L2_X1_Y5.log
0.113        : Adding terrainTile
0.113        : getTaskName(2,1,5) no nest, 3 0
0.113        : DataSet::_run() 3 0
0.126        : started DataSet::createDestination(30)
0.127        : Time for after_reproject 0.000145
0.127        : local_extents = xMin() 38.999900 40.000100
0.127        :                 yMin() 30.999900 34.000100
0.127        : AR=2.999600 C1=1 R1=3
0.127        : createNewDestinationGraph
0.135        : Time for destinationGraph->computeMaximumSourceResolution() = 0.
0.135        : Time for createDestinationGraph 0.007809
0.135        : Time for after_computeNeighbours 0.000013
0.135        : completed DataSet::createDestination(30)
0.135        : Error: no destination graph built, cannot proceed with build.
0.135        : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesAdded dtedlev
el2_subtile_L2_X1_Y5/dtedlevel2_L2_X1_Y5.ive.task.0.added, 0
0.135        : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesRemoved dtedl
evel2_subtile_L2_X1_Y5/dtedlevel2_L2_X1_Y5.ive.task.0.removed, 0
0.135        : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesModified dted
level2_subtile_L2_X1_Y5/dtedlevel2_L2_X1_Y5.ive.task.0.modified, 0
0.135        : Elapsed time = 0.134646

I read another thread that was posted a while back on a similar error where there was a fix checked in but I don't know if that is related to this.

It seems to only do this when I build with level 2 DTED. Level 1 DTED seems fine.

Any ideas on what is causing this or where I can look further to debug the problem?

I'm using VPB version 0.9.13 and OSG version 3.2.1 on Windows 7...


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