[osg-users] _intersectionLimit doesn't seem to be working...

Shayne Tueller shayne.tueller at hill.af.mil
Tue Aug 11 12:47:38 PDT 2015


I'm using the osgSim::LineOfSight class to perform visibility tests (intersections) on an osgTerrain database built with VPB. I'm setting the intersectionLimit to be LIMIT_ONE or LIMIT_NEAREST to help with performance. However, for each LOS test I'm doing, I'm still seeing the number of intersections quite high (> 1) which is puzzling. I want the intersector to register one hit and then bail out but this doesn't seem to be happening.  

Can anyone explain why this is happening or is this a bug?

I'm using OpenSceneGraph 3.2.1 running on Windows...

Thank you!


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