[osg-users] Ugly text

Michael Shiringin osgforum at tevs.eu
Tue Aug 18 04:21:30 PDT 2015

Hi, Robert

> Your code is creating it's own osg::Camera then assigning this to the viewer replacing the it's Camera.  The one you are creating you aren't setting up any OpenGL default state so it's just left with OpenGL defaults, these aren't ideal for most 3D applications, while the one originally assigned to the Viewer has it's StateSet set up with defaults for OpenGL that are more appropriate for 3D rendering.
> To rectify this you simply call:
>   camera->getOrCreateStateSet()->setGlobalDefaults();
> Or reuse the view(er)'s Camera assigning the graphics context you are creating to it, rather than replacing it wholesale like you have done. 

It works! Thank you!


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