[osg-users] Geometry of Generic 3D Surface from Collection of Points

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 06:11:00 PDT 2015

Hi Erik,

On 17 August 2015 at 13:39, Erik Hensens <ehensens at hunter.com> wrote:

> So, does that mean that there is no way to do what I want without somehow
> determining the coordinates of every individual triangle? And there's not
> even any way to do a 3D tessellation to get such triangle coordinates? :'

The OSG itself doesn't provide a general 3D mesh generalization, this is
non trivial problem to solve.  Go on the web and search for different

The OSG is primarily and rendering library, the extra's such as
DealunayTriangulator are for convinience, but don't attempt to provide
complete solutions.  Tessellation of point clouds is a huge topic in itself.

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