[osg-users] Qt5 integration

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 03:54:43 PDT 2015

HI Alistair,

I'm not familiar with Qt5/QQuck2 so can't comment on the Qt side, so have
to defer to others on this.

On the OSG side osgViewer is designed specifically to handle a thread per
graphics context/window - it's a core feature of how osg::GraphicsContext,
osg::GraphicsThread are designed and implemented.  If Qt5 requires a thread
per window then this is a model that osgViewer can be capable of handling
since it's inception (well before Qt5), the only question would be to how
to integrate the threading in synchronization operations that Qt5 is
forcing upon the set up with the way that the OSG manages things.  Perhaps
subclassing from osg::GraphicsThread might be one approach or other classes.

I don't know if the other direction might be possible - stop Qt trying to
do everything that the OSG can already do perfectly without it.


On 17 August 2015 at 09:48, Alistair Baxter <alistair at mve.com> wrote:

> As you are no doubt aware, James, we've been looking into this sort of
> integration ourselves. QQuick 2 integration is part of our goal, although
> we hadn't been planning direct interaction between QML and out osg scenes,
> since we have a separate data model. Although if such a thing existed, and
> were sufficiently convenient to use, then we might be interested in
> integrating it in a similar way to how we use the existing 3D osg
> manipulators. We've never really been interested in QWidgetImage, we only
> ever used it to try and get round a window composition issue on OSX.
> Our main concern at the moment is that we need a multi-window viewer. Due
> to the way Qt 5 has a separate opengl render thread per Window, this has
> meant reimplementing a significant chunk of OSGCompositeViewer in order to
> get it to work at all, and we are discovering a variety of
> thread-synchronisation issues.
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