[osg-users] Qt5 integration

michael kapelko kornerr at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 22:13:43 PDT 2015

As for me, I simply use Qt integration to display Viewer, no special thing.
Looking forward to your release.

2015-08-14 3:10 GMT+07:00 James Turner <zakalawe at mac.com>:

> Hi,
> I’ve been re-working the osgQt code to fit the Qt5 windowing model closer
> - I have a basic proof of concept working, which I will clean up and
> publish shortly. This provides an osgViewer backed by a QWindow; so the
> widget and opengl module dependency is gone, the only Qt5 modules needed
> are Gui and Core.
> A QWindow can be embedded in a traditional widget based application using
> QWidget::createWindowContainer; I will create an example of this approach
> as part of my submission. (And the performance of this approach is the same
> as the old QGLWidget inside GraphicsWindowQt).
> What I’d like to know, is what other uses cases are relevant for people:
> - I could re-create QWidgetImage, but using QWidget::render and avoiding
> any reliance on QGraphicsScene or QGraphicsProxy. If people have uses cases
> for QWidgetImage, that would be good to know. Especially, are you embedding
> ‘a few buttons’ or entire application layouts? Correctly handling keyboard
> focus is obviously something that’s been difficult in the current code and
> I expect to be similarly awkward.
> - QtQuick2 integration; I’ll create a custom QQ2 item which renders OSG
> via a framebuffer. This will allow an OSG scene to be integrated with QQ2
> UI, with reasonable performance. I would welcome any input from people who
> need this, and your particular requirements, especially the API for binding
> the osg Scene to the QML item. But, see the next point:
> - I /hope/ to create a GraphicsWindowQtQuick which allows the common case
> of an OSG scene, with a QQ2 scene overlaid. This has some complexities to
> support the different OSG threading models and context lifetime, but it
> feels like such a common and desirable use case it’s worth spending time on.
> - does anyone have a use for an equivalent of QWidgetImage for QtQuick2?
> I.e a chunk of QQ2 content displayed as a texture.
> My intention would be to have any new classes live alongside the existing
> Qt4 support, since I don’t want to touch that code at all, for fear of
> regressing some aspect of the Qt4 support which someone may be relying upon
> in existing code.
> If you have thoughts in this area, interesting requirements which might
> guide my approach, or test-case you can share, please let me know. I will
> definitely  be doing the basic pieces outlined above, but whether I work on
> the QWidgetImage piece in particular depends very much on what response I
> get.
> Kind regards,
> James Turner
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