[osg-users] Android osgPlugins

Christian Kehl Christian.Kehl at uni.no
Mon Apr 13 02:16:53 PDT 2015

Hi Jordi,

I encounter the same problem in the same situation. I've build OSG for
Android in static mode (only way it even compiles), all static libraries
(for me: .a-files) are in my local installation folder, together with the
libraries for armeabi and armeabi-v7a from the Android Native Developer Kit.
It compiles fine, I can change the background of the viewer without
problems, but it just doesn't wanna load the models. I get the same logcat
messages as mentioned before (not finding the plugins). I, up until now,
loaded files from the internal HDD of the phone (I am on Nexus 5), but today
also try out the sdcard as source. Are there any suggestions how to solve
the problem ?

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