[osg-users] Hello and a Couple Quick Getting Started Questions

Dave Sargrad davidsargrad at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 13 14:06:45 PDT 2015

robertosfield wrote:
> On 12 April 2015 at 14:52, Jacob Moen 
> There is the osgviewerWX example that illustrates how to integrate OSG with wxWidgets.
> As a general advice, unless you actually need dialog boxes in your applicaiton I would recommend that you stay away from the complexities that Qt, WxWidgets etc. introduce.  If you are writing a pure 3D graphics application like a simulator or game you are far better off just using the OSG's native osgViewer's windowing functionality.  osgViewer is fully threaded, something that cannot be said of Qt etc, where threading is a messy after thought.
> Robert.
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I like this advice.. Thank you very much. I'll stay with osgViewer then!!

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